What does sustainability in construction mean?
“the balance of environmental, social and economic issues to ensure a viable and valuable industry for future generations”
How can a more sustainable approach be achieved?
There are many parts to this, and as the production of materials is the largest contributor to global emissions the real focus needs to start with the following:
We promise to seek to work primarily with consultants who have a sustainable approach to their design, and clients who have more of a focus on the environment than bottom line costs.
As sustainable products become more predominant, costs will slowly decrease to become more in line with other traditional materials, but until then policies need to be implemented by global governments that provide an incentive to opt for sustainable construction and make more CO2 heavy products less financially viable by increasing of taxes on these material so the revenue received can be put into research and development of more sustainable materials and production techniques, better recycling techniques, more efficient power generation.
That way those in the industry who construct buildings can focus on better design with an emphasis on smarter material choices, more energy efficient products fitted to the newly constructed buildings, and a paperless construction society that understands its social obligations.